Dalv's diary

Found in his room, reachable after killing him

(It looks like Dalv's diary.)

(This could contain private information.)

(Read it?)

(It's Dalv's diary.)

(Read it?)

(You open the diary up.)

(There's only one entry. It seems new.)

Today began like every other day.

I got out of bed, brushed my fangs, and had a nice bowl of corn for breakfast.

Pops made a very funny joke at Broom's expense and we all had a laugh.

I put on my cloak and went out for my daily walk.

I noticed another blue corn had popped up in your cornfield today.

I always feel bad for discarding the special corn but I can't risk getting sick.


Something interesting happened a bit later.

I overheard Flier and Penilla talking about me...

About us...

They said they were concerned for me.

They said I talk to myself.


Penilla then chimed in and commented on my advice and gifts to you.

My signs.

They said you don't exist...

That isn't true.

You do.

I know you do.

You reached out to me when I needed it most.

...Helped me cope with the past...

How could they be so mean?

What do they know?

I don't need them.


Because I have you.


It's been one year.


I'm still waiting.

(The entry ends there.)

Martlet's journal

Found in front of her house, only reachable sometime after the Dunes

(The leatherbound book's title reads: Martlet's Day to Day!)

(You flip to an early page and see an entry.)

(Read it?)

Entry 3.

So far, living on my own has been BORING.

I don't know what to do with myself most of the time.

Sure, I have a TV but monsters don't exactly produce much content.

My mom says I “need a job” but more importantly, I need a hobby.

The guy who built my balcony seemed to enjoy what he was doing.

Maybe I'll ask him to teach me how to...

I don't know, nail planks of wood to houses?

It would be a start. UvU


(You flip through a few pages.)

Entry 8.

I think this "tinkering” thing is for me.

I knew my B- in art class had a purpose!

And Mr. Chujin is SO NICE!

He gladly took my wings under his wing and now I'm making wooden blocks!

Sounds boring, but I'm working toward carving a buncha them...

...to build one of those "wooden tower" games.

Chujin thought it would be a good beginner project! ^v^


(You flip through a few more pages.)

Entry 19.

I had a conversation with Mr. Chujin last night.

We're about to start making contraptions - like robotics!

Turns out, he specialized in engineering at the Steamworks.

He said he doesn't talk about his past job much out here.

Likes to keep things casual while helping out the townsfolk.

So I asked him why he's helping me like he is.

 He said he has a daughter named “Kanako.”

“The world, as it is, is a dark place” he said. “A place unfit for a kid.”

He believes that small acts of kindness will lead to a better world.

Not only for him, or me, but for Kanako.

Sooo yeah! Got a little deep there, but I get it.

Him teaching me would, in theory, lead to me teaching someone else - etc, etc.

Sounds like he wants to leave a lasting legacy or something.

Guy's got big aspirations, that's for sure. 

Caaan't relate. =v=


(You flip through a few more pages.)

Entry 27.

Welp, I couldn't procrastinate any longer.

I had to... get a job. ;v;

Signed up for the Royal Guard.

I'm not one for combat but with my new skills, I could make a mighty fine puzzle!

Had to tell Chujin the good news so I brought it up while we were on break.

To my surprise, he wasn't happy.

Said the job was dangerous.

That humans themselves are dangerous.

I don't wanna believe what he told me but...

...the look in his eyes was incredibly sincere.

So... yeah.

On the bright side, I can stave off my newfound paranoia,

Because I was assigned boring Lab duty.

Stand outside the Lab doors and keep watch. Fuuuuuuun. TvT

(The following entry is ripped out.)

Gemstone Fever

Found in the East Mines to the left of Angie

(The shelf is lined with several books, some educational, some recreational.)

(A book titled "Gemstone Fever" catches your eye.)

(Read it?)

The Underground has been the home to thousands of gemstones,

Yet only four types have been discovered.

The Swelterstone - Hue, Yellow

This stone emits immense heat, sum depending on its size.

It is also the brightest stone, frequently used to illuminate various Underground locations.

The Glacialstone - Hue, Blue

Opposite of the Swelterstone; emmits a frigid temperature.

This stone is abundant in cooler areas such as Snowdin and Waterfall.

The Aromaticstone - Hue, Green

This rare stone smells like apples. That is all.

The Pinkstone - Hue, in the name.

No trait for this stone has been discovered as of publication.

(You sift through the book and catch a couple more facts.)

With the temperature stones having higher quantities in certain areas,

They can be a large factor in determining their location's climate.

Gemstones do not have much monetary worth within the Underground Economy.

Instead, they are often utilized for their traits, jewelry, or other decoration.

The largest gemstone to be discovered is located in the Dunes.

It is approximated to be as big as 10,000 hardhats!

(You close the book and put it back.)

(You are now dizzy with gemstone fever.)

Mysteries of the Underground

Found in the hidden room in Neutral Steamworks

(You examine the bookshelf...)

(A title called "Mysteries of the Underground" catches your eye.)

(Read it?)

Chapter One: Blunko's Blunder.

Located in Oasis Valley, in a modern cafe you can't miss, lies an arcade cabinet.

Painted blue and coated with a thick layer of dust, it sits there, out of order.

Few monsters recall seeing it up and running and that might be on purpose.

On the cabinet, two logos reside: Team Y and Blunko Industries.

The same two human companies that created the Mew Mew Love Blaster cabinet.

Legends say it was playable for a time after it was recovered from the dump...

...but its contents were "unpleasant" upon experience.

(You flip to the next chapter.)

(Continue reading?)

Chapter Two: The Path.

The Underground is a vast place.

Throughout it are pathways and/or fences to lead monsters from place to place.

But maybe, just maybe, the paths are truly there to keep you safe.

In a report from 20XX, a father recalled fishing with his son in the Snowdin forest.

As the father prepared his line, his son wandered past the fence and into the trees.

The father didn't notice at first but soon began to search for the child.

"Before I found ____, it felt like I was in a daze," the father recounts.

"Just... nothing out there."

(You flip to the next chapter.)

(Continue reading?)

Chapter Three: The Phantom SOUL.

Seven human SOULS are all it takes to destroy the barrier that intraps us monsters...

...and over time, King ASGORE and the Royal Guard have ensured we reach that goal.

This process has been controversial among some residents but...

..."War is not pleasant" says the head of the Royal Guard.

Typically, when a human falls into our home, they're "collected" within hours.

But one time... it took years.

It was a typical afternoon in Snowdin...

Suddenly, a human was spotted in the area before swiftly fleeing for Waterfall.

This, surprisingly, was the last time they were seen alive.

Officials at the time said the disappearance most likely meant the human was hiding.

However, the human's SOUL was later inexplicably found deep in Waterfall...


(You put the book back.)